About Me

By Taki Ishimura

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Hi! Welcome to my website! Here's a little bit about me.

My full name is Takanao Ishimura, but most of the time I go by Taki. I was born in Fukuoka, Japan, but have lived most of my life in Bar Harbor, Maine. Got my bachelors in computer science at the University of Pennsylvania in 2022, worked as software engineer at AWS on a real time data-streaming platform called Kinesis for a couple years, and am currently trying to build an online 3D voxel art platform called CornerSpace.

The reason why I like computer science so much is because it gives you the ability to create amazing things from pretty much nothing but a little bit of electricity and some well thought out lines of code. Especially in the land of graphics, you can see your ideas come to life in a visually gripping way, which I find so neat. On top of that, the scope of hard problems within the field of cs in general is boundless, and I really appreciate the bottom-up, rigorous, from first-principles approach necessary to take when trying to solve these challenging problems as a software engineer.

In my free time, there's so much that I like to do, and so much more that I want to do. I stay active by skating and playing soccer and badminton. I really like to make music, and have been getting back into violin playing after a long hiatus. I don't like to cook for myself, but I love cooking for my family and friends. I make a mean mushroom risotto.

I always like connecting with new people, so if you want, shoot me an email at ishimurataki@gmail.com!